Monday 21 December 2015

lyn is baek

lyn is trynna get xtie-sempai 2 noteic

make christy bake god bc is genuin expresh of bein gud fredn

"o thx! so niec" noteiced sensei

thn mry km in "omg lin y... what u do" n cri bc hella jella

beam of lite shoot outta christys eyes as she ascende to bakrey hevn 2 assum ritefl plaec in pnatheon o gods

"lol" laughd lynn out loude

"u think was typo but no" still laffin

distan tthunder markin reign o new god lil bit n sky is blosh w dancing light

"gdi" said mry but sensei is g???

ffff!!- sill no notiec )));

tfw nevr touche butt w sensei bc snsi hav no moer croprorial forem

Saturday 19 December 2015

mary was at bar havin som bere w nerds sh sees christir sensei lookon all kawaii so many blosh bcs embarass n hop e cheiste sensei notic a lil bit but no ): mry wnat 2 b notic by smpi so sh mak w teh scotcje gg?? sh go up 2 chrsti n sa "ummm christie-sempai???¿? ^-^;;;;" but no is notiec ): mary so sad n cri lil bit bcs work so harde "chrsty-sensei pls i wirk so harde 2 mak scotche gg 4 u" but no notiec!! mry so sads mairy says "ong cgeisty if u not notic scotchegg u mak me so sads? why can not giv appreciate 4 al my harde work???¿?" christiy say "cus u a scrub lol, n a scrub is guy who dont get no luv frm me" jokes on u moore this means sensai is notic e me :3 mry blosh a whole lot n go "kyaaaaaa~" bcs sensei so cute
Christe sensei hav leve on go to trane.
Lyn is sad n cryz becse wishs she r trene so chrsty b insied her but Lyne is hooman not trane.

So sempai leavs and gose on trane and Lynne blushes thinkn bout be sempais trane
mry is sad bc christi is lev so many cri is drown v tragic
chisty is thinkin bt scotche eg me ry wish is eg so sensei is notiec so mry HATCH (lol) brillent plen is dress liek eggg???¿ MAYB SENSEI WIL NOTIEC OMG PLZZZ?? mry spedn al mony on scotch ag costum w authentik breadin n softbiol centr but still no gdi ):
mray is watn 2 tuch butt o cheisty in wanton way???¿ ;) but no is sensei so wrogn mb if sense is notic but othws p much no :/ chrsety is sittin ther al cut e lik :3 n mray like "kyaaaaaaa~¡!" n blosh whooole bunch bc embarass abt uncln thot mostly touch butt tbh mry say "o sensei pls notic me" but no ):

Hello but

Lo Christie u hav such soft butt sez sempai Mary. Oh it is maybe shuld tuch it
Yes I will

An mary tuchd th but cristie blushd
Mm I lke ur scotch eg can u tech me sez christ
OK but after we r 2 sweat